The Therapy Guy

Why Choose Hypnotherapy

The therapy Guy Season 1 Episode 6

Have you ever wondered 'Why choose hypnotherapy'?  In this episode, we will look at what it is and whether it could help in achieving your desired mindset and improving your overall health and wellbeing.

If you have any questions or comments please let us know, we would love to hear from you and thanks for listening!
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Hello and welcome.

This is Therapy Guy.

This podcast about everything mental health related,

so you'll hear things about different therapies

that are available, about different subjects.

We're going to discuss different things that

are going on for people have guests

coming, like therapists from specific areas.

We're going to have people come in, clients

who will share their success stories, etc.

Hopefully you'll find it

interesting and engaging, informative and please

engage in whatever way you want.

We love hearing your feedback, we

love trying to answer your questions.

We want to give you the information that

you need to get the support and move

on in a positive and healthy way.

So today I'm going to talk in general

about therapy that people sometimes struggle with.

And this is hypnotherapy.

What I'm going to do in a future episode is

I'm going to have a hypnotherapist come in and they're

going to explain about their work and what they do,

the sort of areas that they cover.

But today I just want to give you a

generalised sort of overview of what actually happens.

So what is hypnotherapy?

People struggle with that

sort of generalised perception.

I think that the hypnotherapist is going to turn you into

someone who can do whatever they command you to do.

We've all seen the dance like a chicken episodes on

the TV or on the YouTube channels, et cetera.

We all sort of see those sorts of things.

And historically the media has presented that

sort of image about hypnotherapy and hypnosis.

Hypnotherapy is so much more than that.

Those sorts of things can happen for

an entertainment purposes, yes, but from my

experience, what the hypnotherapist is doing there,

he's looking for a certain personality type.

He'd apply, he or she is applying certain pressure and

they want people who are quite compliant, so that's why

they can't do it to everybody in that situation.

So those sorts of hypnosis, and that's why they might get

ten people up on stage and they might send maybe six

or seven people back and they'll only have to have a

few people left that they feel are going to be responsive

to that type of pressure, to that type of hypnosis.

So it's really different to what you'd expect and

what you'd actually receive in a hypnotherapy session.

What I suggest you look for is someone who

has clinical hypotherapy qualifications and these people can work

in hospitals, dental surgeries, doctors, this sort of thing,

so you understand and you know that you're getting

a sort of track record approval, educational system of

that qualification and the use of now, what can

hypotherapy help with realistically?

And it can help with anything

that you go into counselling for.

It just works in a different

way to what counselling does.

Counselling is a token therapy and it uses different parts

of the brain when we communicate with each other for

people who might struggle with that or might have tried

that and find that it doesn't really help them.

Hypnotherapy may be a good option and it may be

out of help because it works in a different part

of your brain, it works with the subconscious and it

helps you to use your imagination in a different way.

It can definitely help with how you switch off

and relax and see your future happening slightly differently.

Perfect example of this would be we work with

quite a lot of sports personalities, people who are

in competitions, and we help them change their mindset,

really, around how they can win, how they can

see themselves imagining themselves to win.

And this helps to give them

a competitive edge over somebody else.

There's lots of personalities, lots of sports stars

who have had this sort of treatment and

have had a lot of success from this.

So I'll give you an example.

A few years back, I worked with Triathletes.

Now, these people obviously do

swimming, running and cycling.

This particular client that I was working with at the

time had an issue with her swimming because she had

an incident in the water which made her quite nervous.

And ever since then, when she was in

doing the water phase, she was quite hesitant

and she was losing time in her races.

So what we did, we looked at that, we enabled the

hypnotherapy to reframe what happened, to reframe what may happen next

time, and to give her the power that she needed to

feel more confident in that element of a race.

Of course, I'm happy to say that her next races

following on, that she was able to use that in

a positive way and get faster and faster, and she

was more than happy with the results that she was

getting in the races that followed that.

Therapy, it is a bit of a taboo

subject, it's a bit of a strange subject.

It can be difficult to explain to people

what actually happens and how it works.

And I think because there's lots of confusion around

it, lots of conflicting statements on the internet.

If you type in Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy into

Google, you'll get a huge range of different

results, ranging from the completely sort of idiotic,

really and silly, to actual real, professional results

recognised sort of research and treatment for it.

In the UK

the NHS recommend it.

It's gone through the nice guidelines.

It helps with certain therapies, it

helps a lot with gastroenterology departments.

IBS is something that is recommended with hypnotherapy.

So you can start to see that if big

organisations are starting to use it in different ways,

then it's going to be fine for yourself.

It's finding the right hypnotherapist

with the right qualifications.

That's what you need to be careful.

Lots of different companies, countries, so use

it in lots of different ways.

And in some countries they're

using it in fantastic ways.

Even small operations, we can help people who

struggle with anaesthesia to have small operations to

have tooth extractions to help with all those

fears and phobias that you might have.

So it's a fantastic tool that I encourage you

not to dismiss and encourage you to find out

more from the people in your local area.

And as I've suggested before, even with counsellors, what I

do is I'd go and meet a couple, ask questions,

I go with a sort of list of questions that

you want answering, find out about who they've treated before,

where they work, those sorts of things, and then choose

one that you feel comfortable with.

If the first one is you don't feel comfortable

with, then please don't give up, try another one.

I always say it's a bit

like taking maybe an antibiotic.

If the doctor or the GP recommends an antibiotic

and it doesn't work the first time, they will

choose a different one to help you with whatever

condition you have and what their treatment it is.

Counselling therapy is exactly the same.

If one therapy doesn't work for

you, please try a different one.

There's lots of therapies that are really good

at helping lots of people in a general

way, but then there's more specialised therapy that

can help you in specific ways.

Go back to hypnotherapy.

It's excellent in helping these fears and phobias.

The classic ones, the fears of Spiders heights.

Obviously they have the classic stop smoking

the treatments that people use, and people

use it in different ways.

Obviously, nowadays, the new thing is that they're going

to use it for when stopping people from vaping.

So it's constantly evolving.

The guys that are professional and do this

full time, they have high levels of training.

They will have to undertake regular training

and regular sort of CPD training events.

So you can be assured that the

professional hypotherapist that you visit will be

highly skilled and highly trained.

In one hand, they should tell you about what to expect.


What to expect in a generalised version is that you'd

come into a hypnotherapy session, you'd have a short, brief

conversation with a hypnotherapist about what it is you expect,

how they can help, that sort of thing.

And then you'd have the actual hypnotherapy itself.

Now, how I explain that in a very basic way, it's

almost like you're half asleep, so the hypnotherapist won't have any

control over you, they won't be able to tell you to

do anything that you don't want to do.

It's a bit like when you fall asleep at home, you may

be watching the TV and you just drift off a little bit.

You can still hear the TV, you can

still hear your family or your friends around

you, but you're just completely relaxed.

So your brain is still working, your

imagination is still happening, you're still aware

of everything, but you're just completely relaxed.

And you can access different part of your memory,

a different part of your brain during that period.

Now we all drift off into

this trance process every single day.

If you think of some examples I can give, maybe

like I said, when you're watching TV, you can watch

the TV and it may be your programme that you're

really interested in, and all of a sudden you've been

watching it for a while and then you don't hear

what the producer said or the broadcaster said.

You think, okay, and you might have

to rewind it or ask your partner

or friends what happened during that time.

Your brain is just drifted off into a gentle trance

that can just help you reset and work through some

of the problems that you've had in your day.

Hypnotherapy just extends that and just

uses that very basic transfer process.

It's very natural to use in a

different positive and useful way for yourself.

So it's a normal thing that we all do.

We don't recognise it so much in our

day to day lives because we don't put

the label of trance or hypnotherapy on it.

That's all it is.

But maybe you can recognise it from now on.

Another example might be you might drive somewhere.

When you get there, you might really forget

which road, which way do I take? Which?

While you're driving, your mind is completely focused.

It's focused on keeping you safe and

everything else, but also because it's automatic.

You've driven lots of places

before you've had that training.

You passed your test.

It doesn't really have to think about it.

Hypnotherapy is the same.

It enables you to relax and switch off,

access parts of your imagination that can be

used to help and support you and move

you forward in whatever area that you need.

So what I'm going to say, just as a roundup,

is look around your area and don't dismiss it.

Ask questions, do some research, the same as what you

would do if you were looking for a cancer or

any other type of therapy, and talk to people who

might have experienced it or gone through it and talked

to different hypnotherapists, till you find one that you feel

comfortable with and one that actually has some experience and

knowledge in your way.

Now, like I said, in a future episode we're going to

be having a hip therapist come in and she will explain

what she does and I'll explain a little bit today, but

we're going to be asking her some of your questions, so

please send them in if you want them answering.

I'll put them to her and hopefully it

will help you just open up a different

avenue and some different support for yourself.

I really appreciate you listening today and I

hope you find some of the information useful.

Please look out for future episodes or

go back and see previous ones.

And today I just like to sign

off now, so thanks for listening.

Goodbye for now. The therapy guy.