The Therapy Guy

Mental Health Podcasts: What Would You Like To Know?

The Therapy Guy Season 2 Episode 6

As a mental health podcast, would would you like to know more about?

This episode gives you the opportunity to contact us and let us know what you would like us to talk about and discuss. We also give you an overview of the fantastic shows heading your way over the next few months,

For any questions or queries, contact us on:
01752 221119

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Thanks for listening. Hello.

Welcome back to the therapy guy.

I hope you're keeping well and staying as

safe as you can during these unsettled times.

We were all seeking a lot of reassurance at the moment.

Today, however, I'm going to

be doing something different.

So today is going to be asking for your help.

I would like you to have some

feedback about the podcasts from yourself.

These podcasts are aimed at giving you what you

want and giving you the knowledge and the skills,

the understanding that you require and you need to

help with your mental health for yourself and for

the people that you support the most.

I've got a list of podcasts and list of subjects for

us to go through in future episodes, but I'd really like

to hear your comments on what you would prefer.

If there's something you would like me to

talk about or some area you'd like us

to sort of increase your awareness or knowledge

in, this is, after all, all about you.

Think about it almost like a radio station.

Sometimes you might contact that radio station and ask

for a particular song or request some particular music.

This is no different.

I want to adapt to what you want and give you

the knowledge and the expertise that you need to support people.

So if I give you an indication of some of the

things that we've got coming up in future podcasts and then

we can go from there, how does that sound?

So just to let you know what fantastic

subjects we got coming up in future podcasts,

we have trauma practitioner from a school.

They're going to be doing either coming in and speaking

to us directly or doing a blog for us to

read out on air to give you some information about

what a school trauma practitioner does and how they help

and support pupils and the students that they work with.

We have a podcast on fear and how to overcome

and conquer your thoughts when you're scared of something.

Narcissism this is something I've been asked quite

a lot for, so we have quite a

big episode coming up on Narcissism.

What it is, what are the traits and what

you can do to either support someone going through

it or to change those sorts for yourself.

Gas lighting, it's another area that we

get asked for quite a lot.

So an area that I'm quite passionate about is control.

And what control do we have over our lives and how

does that affect our anxiety and stress that we feel?

Also, another area for me is those ways that

we waste time and procrastinate what we can do,

how we can change our thinking to improve what

the output improve, how we see ourselves and move

away from that negative image of Procrastination.

A generalised discussion about what would you

do differently if you had your time?

Again, we all have that story going on in

our minds about, I wish I'd never done this,

or I wish I'd ever done that.

But this podcast is going to be

about what would you really do? Yes.

And how do you feel it would affect you?

So we're going to be having another episode

on the tips for helping children dealing with

anxiety and low mood and anger.

It's something that a lot of parents have asked

me for and one of my child therapists is

helping me work on at the moment.

Another area we're going to talk about is

who am I, what do I do?

My backstory, my history, why do I do what I do, what do

I enjoy and what I don't enjoy so much in my life.

And hopefully that will give you an insight into

the type of person I am and give you

some things to reflect upon and look about what

you can do for yourself in the future.

We're going to be doing

something on breathing techniques.

Breathing techniques are vital when we're

dealing with anxiety and stress.

There's a lot around mindfulness and obviously the techniques from

yoga and everything else, and there's lots of research that

helps, but we can struggle sometimes to do those exercises

and to fit them into our day.

So that podcast is going to be about doing

little and often or adapting those techniques just to

yourself, so you get the benefit from that.

Being an empath, this is something that

I encounter quite often with my clients.

It's something that not a lot of people know about.

So raising the awareness of what an empath

is, how it affects people, what they can

do about it, I think it's really important.

Another area we're going to be talking

about is mental health in the workplace.

So this is going to relate to people in

businesses, people when you're going back to work and

how you can deal with that mental health there.

Tinnitus is another area we're going

to be discussing a future episode.

It's an area that I work quite a lot with.

I work with a specialist from the

Plumbing Hearing Centre and he does amazing

work with the clients that he sees.

And I help people experience in Tinnitus with the

stress and anxiety and the changes they have to

make to their lives to deal with it.

Mindfulness is another area that we're

going to be talking about.

Again, there's different types of mindfulness.

People's perception of what mindfulness is and how

it affects them and how they can fit

it into the day can vary greatly.

I'm going to offer you some guidance on

practical mindfulness, how you can incorporate these small,

everyday things into your life, deal with it

and feel the benefit of what it is.

Also how corona this COVID-19 virus has changed

yourself, how it's changed your mindset and what

will you do differently from now on.

It's going to be quite exciting episode for myself.

There's lots I'm looking forward to coming up

in future podcasts lots and really want to

sort of discuss and talk about.

But again, as I said at the store, today is really

about asking for your help, your feedback on what it is

that you want to hear, what it is you would like

me to discuss, to talk about, to have an expert in,

to get their point of view upon, and how we can

design future episodes to give you what you want.

I really hope that you're enjoying the sun and you're

trying to stay as relaxed and as calm as possible.

There's lots of different things in the news

and the media that's distracting us and can

cause us some anxiety and stress.

So caring for yourself and the people

around enjoying this moment because we're going

to start heading back to work soon.

More and more companies are opening, the schools are

starting to open in the next couple of weeks.

Please try and enjoy the sun, try and enjoy the

time you have together and hopefully I'm going to speak

to you soon in one of the new and exciting

podcasts that we've got coming up in the future.

Again, please send over your feedback.

I love to hear your comments, I want to

hear your suggestions for future episodes, but for now,

I really want you to take care and I'm

going to sign off as a therapy Guy.

Bye for now.

Thanks for listening to the therapy guy.

Don't forget to tune in next week and please

leave us a review if you enjoyed our podcast.

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