The Therapy Guy

How Does Self Hypnosis Work?

The Therapy Guy Season 2 Episode 8

Do you know how self hypnosis works? Would you like to be able to relax when you want?

Meditation and self-hypnosis can help you feel better and more energized in yourself. Would you like to understand or learn more?

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Hello, and welcome back to the therapy Guy.

I hope you're keeping well today.

I would like to talk to you about self hypnosis and

I'll be undertaking a guided sort of self hypnosis podcast based

around the sort of basics and the functions that you need

to obviously undertake self hypnosis and use it and practise it

in a way that benefits you, your lifestyle and the support

and people you have around you.

Self hypnosis is again another

form, another form of meditation.

It's just a different aspect, it's a different way that

people can produce the results that they need and it

includes visualising certain things, certain aspects and it depends on

the person, depends on you as an individual about what

it is that you want to actually visualise and what

it is you want to achieve from this.

What I'm going to do is I'm going to start

giving you a guided sort of meditation that you can

start to follow and then I'm going to be encouraging

you to produce and visualise the things that are right

for you and the place that you want to be

and to see and interact with whatever it is that

you're trying to achieve from this session.

Initially what we need to do is find somewhere for you

to sit, lay down, sort of relax for a short period

of time, depending on how much time you've got to know

how quickly or how long you want this to be.

I produce lots of other sort of mindfulness

and hypnosis podcasts and CDs and audio files

before there's a couple underneath the Therapy Guy

that you might have listened to.

This is going to be slightly different because this is

more interactive and this is more for you to be

able to undertake and learn these skills for yourself.

So once you've got this space where you feel

you won't be disturbed, you may have turned your

phone off, got yourself comfortable, so we can begin.

Now what I'd like you to do is just

make yourself as comfortable as you can be.

You'll be able to move around, you'll

be able to change your position.

All of this is really important.

You've been in control of you, is really important

to you and how you think and feel.

We want you to be aware of where you are.

We understand whether that you are somewhere safe you're

somewhere where you feel that you can sit or

you can relax just for a period of time.

We're going to understand that this

time is just for you.

You can make it as long or as short as you want.

You are completely in control.

So we're going to begin by you starting to

recognise where you are, how your body feels.

Is it relaxed?

Is there a part of you that maybe just

change slightly, just to alter how comfortable you are,

just so you're aware that you're as comfortable as

you can be at this moment in time.

If you're sitting, be aware of where

your arms are on the chair.

Be aware of your feet are resting on the floor.

Know that you feel secure and safe.

If you're laying down somewhere, be aware where

your body is touching whatever it is that

you're laying on at this moment in time.

And as usual, we'll start just by taking some deep,

easy breaths, not changing too much, not having to alter

anything, but you just breathing in slowly and steadily and

allowing yourself just to relax and listen and hear any

noises that are going on around you.

Whether you can hear noises outside,

everything is as it should be.

You might be able to hear a ticking clock.

I can hear from now where I am, I can hear

some traffic in the wind passing by outside for you.

I just want you to recognise that all

these things are as they should be.

They're all normal noises that go on around us

and it's up to us just to recognise them,

just to see how they affect us.

And at all times, just allow our breathing just

to eat slowly, breathing in and then out, allowing

our breath just to naturally slow down, to feel

the changes, to feel the effect it has on

you and how your body feels here and now.

As we begin to slow our breathing down, we can

naturally just become a little bit more relaxed, allowing our

breathing just to become as deep as possible to breathing

and then breathe all the way out, allowing all of

that air just to let go, just to release the

tension that you have, wherever it is stored in you.

As we allow that to continue, just for a few

moments, allowing your breathing to slow naturally and easily, we're

going to allow ourselves just to drift off.

And at the moment, I would like you to

choose just somewhere where you want to be.

This could be standing in a field somewhere.

You might be able to feel the grass beneath your feet,

you might be able to feel the sun warming your skin.

You can look around and you can see the

trees, the flowers, whatever it is, whether you're by

the sea, in the countryside, in a house, wherever

it is that you want to be at this

point in time, feeling safe, feeling secure.

Allowing this image to be yours, your special place.

Allowing you to notice everything, notice all of the colours

that you can see, the brightness of the colours.

Allowing yourself to feel all the sensations

you can feel while you're there.

Can you feel the ground beneath your feet?

Can you feel any breeze on your face?

Can you smell anything in the air?

What can you hear?

Allow yourself just to see and feel everything with all

of your senses, really recognising every detail of how it

thinks and how you feel, just while you're standing or

laying wherever it is that you want to be at

this point in time, knowing that you're free to change

anything, you're free to move, you're free to go wherever

it is that you want to go.

And as your breathing just continues to deepen and get

slower, become easier, you can recognise this place, giving you

all that you need to give, allowing you to feel

everything you need to feel at this moment in time.

And you can decide just to move if you want.

Just to allow yourself to wander wherever

it is that you want to.

Shooting whatever path you want to go on all the time.

Just noticing.

Noticing how easy it is.

How your body feels.

The noises are around you.

The sounds that you can hear.

The colours that you can see

with every step that you take.

With every breath that you can breathe.

Everything and anything.

Just allows your good feelings to increase, allows

you to feel more and more relaxed, more

and more in control as everything slows down.

You can look and you can wander, wherever it is that you

want to go, wherever it is that you want to be.

Seeing everything that you want to see, feeling

everything that you want to feel, really being

in that moment of reproducing, this place that's

inside you, that's inside your head at this

morning time that produces this good fee.

Have you been safe, secure?

Being able just to wander free, relaxed, just for

a few moments in time, breathing easily, every outbreak

allowing tension to drain away, allowing you to notice

everything that's going on around you.

The sounds you hear, the colours you can see,

the sensations you can feel, the tastes, everything allowing

you to know this place is inside of you.

And you can choose to go, you can choose to come

here whenever you want, knowing that this power is yours just

by breathing, by allowing you just to sit and take some

time and by allowing you to notice everything it is that's

going on for you, wherever it is that you're going, whatever

path or way that you're following.

Notice every footstep, every breath, every colour, anything and everything,

allowing you just to notice what's going on for you,

allowing you to know that you're in control of you,

how you think and how you feel.

And really enjoying this new level of control, this new

way of just escaping whatever it is that's going on

for you for a few moments in time.

And you can allow yourself to travel as far as

you want to go, wherever it is you want, because

you know that you're the one who's in control.

Just by breathing, allowing time, allowing your senses

allowing yourself to see every area that you

want to explore, every place that you go.

Seeing the colours, hearing

the sounds, feeling every sensation.

Knowing that you're safe where you are, you're in control

where you are right now and you're doing whatever is

right for you right at this moment in time.

And you can continue to breathe and continue to take

things easily and naturally, allowing yourself to experience or stay

in this experience for as long as you want.

Knowing you have everything you need.

You have the strength and determination to be the

person you want to be and to enjoy the

space that you want to be in.

Breathing normally, naturally, easily.

And as you continue, we can allow yourself just to

naturally wake up and be aware of where you are

and what it is you want to do.

Feeling relaxed and energised, ready to go ahead and face

the rest of your day, the rest of the time.

Feeling content, calm, in control of you and yourself.

Knowing that you can return to this whenever it is

that you want, whenever it is that you need.

Picturing everything you need to allow yourself to

see, to feel, to experience those things that

allow that calmness, that relaxation, that feeling of

being in control, knowing what is right for

you, how you think and feel.

Take care of yourself.

Go well and look after yourselves.

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