The Therapy Guy
The Therapy Guy
How To Sleep With Pain
Following on from our last episode which was for those who are struggling to sleep due to pain and discomfort. This week we give the opportunity to feel warm and comfortable as you drift of to sleep suing techniques that the Therapy Guy uses with his clients: hypnotherapy and mindfulness techniques.
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Welcome back to the therapy guy.
I hope you're keeping well and looking after
yourselves during this period in our lives.
Today I want to talk to you about pain and sleep.
This is part two to the Pain and Sleep
Sort series, following on from the last podcast, where
I help people obviously get some sleep and ease
their pain through, obviously making things cooler and number
and obviously disassociating away from the pain.
Today we're going to do something slightly different,
although it's going to have the same effect.
So today we're going to talk about warmth,
heat, that sort of feeling, and sensation, warming
the pain, easing it, allowing you to relax
and drift off and enjoy some quality sleep.
So I know there's a little bit
to do before anything like this.
What we'd like you to do is obviously make
yourself comfortable, get yourself in the position where you
may not be disturbed for a while.
And this could be just before you go to
bed, this could be obviously in the afternoon or
whenever you have some time to yourself.
You're just going to be able to relax and enjoy a period
time just for you, just to enable yourself to let go.
So I just want you to make yourself comfortable.
Now, if you want, you can close your eyes.
It's a good idea because it cuts out any
visual stimulus, but if you don't want to, that's
fine, it's whatever's comfortable and right for you.
Now, you can just listen quietly
to the sound of my voice.
And of course, you'll be aware
of all those other sounds too.
Sounds that are around you, maybe traffic
passing by, or noises from the room
that you're resting in at this moment.
Sounds inside the building and sounds from outside.
But these won't disturb you.
In fact, they're going to help you to relax.
Because the only sound you need to think
about is the sound of my voice.
While you're listening to the sound of my voice, you can
just simply allow yourself to be as relaxed as you could
ever want to be at this moment in time.
Just imagine yourself feeling so relaxed while you're relaxing
there, wherever you are, you can simply be aware
of your body, aware of your hands and resting.
Perhaps notice the elbow, maybe sense the weight of
your head against the pillow with a chair.
And you know that you can allow that weight,
those sensations just to gently increase as you allow
yourself to relax more and more as you listen
more and more to the sound of my voice,
just lessening back, making yourself comfortable.
Just take a moment to
get into that comfortable position.
Just adjust your head and body to the
most comfortable position you can be in.
Now we're going to concentrate on your breathing.
Now take a deep breath, that's right.
And you should continue to breathe calmly.
Just begin to concentrate on the outbreaths.
For every outbreath you feel,
your relaxation can just deepen.
You can allow your mind to drift off your eyelids
and everything can just become heavier and more relaxed.
You allow yourself to breathe
easily, naturally, breathing calmly, gently.
And on that outbreath, you can just imagine letting go
of that tension in your body, allowing yourself to relax
gently wherever it is you're resting at the moment.
As you notice, your breathing can become slower and
steadier as you relax more, as you give yourself
more and more permission to just rest.
It's almost as if you're pretending
to be asleep at this moment.
Can you imagine breathing so evenly, so
steadily, that nothing would disturb you?
You've got absolutely nothing whatsoever to do now except
relax, allow yourself to just drift off with every
single outbreath, allowing yourself to listen quietly to the
sound of my voice, while you're listening quietly to
the sound of my voice, can be aware of
that breathing, the sensations, how easy it is on
outbreath to just relax and allow things to happen.
You let go of all your cares
and worries at this morning time.
Nothing matters apart from the sound of my voice.
You can switch off your thoughts, so you
can allow this time just for you.
It doesn't matter if your mind begins to wander, it
doesn't matter where you go and where you drift.
My voice is going to drift with you.
You can allow those sorts of stuff to drift
in, to drift back out again, easily, naturally, just
as easily and naturally as you breathe gently, unless
you take those deeper, easier breaths, slowly filling your
lungs with that fresh, calming air.
As you exhale, you can just relax more and
more, allowing every outreath to gently slow things down.
You can begin to feel more and more
relaxed, more and more comfortable, as you feel
your whole body just sinking down.
You begin to notice how relaxed parts of your body
you've become, all the way from the top of your
head down to the tips of your toes, your eyelids
becoming heavier as you let go of that tension that's
in your body now, all your muscles just easing gently.
You can begin to allow yourself to
drift deeper and deeper, feeling more and
more relaxed with the words I speak.
So that wave of relaxation
just continues to spread through.
You can ease your shoulders, can feel them
just relaxing and loosening, your arms growing heavier
as you're aware of that growing peaceful feeling
inside, as every muscle just eases, relaxes with
every outbreath, all that tension is draining away.
An outside world can just fade away.
Sounds that I'm at tube is the sound of
my voice will allow you just to go deeper
and deeper, allowing yourself to relax more and more.
As those sounds around you just
drift off into the distance.
All of that tension just drains away.
You become more relaxed, more comfortable.
Just feel yourself sinking down, your head
sinking deeper into the chair or the
pillow becoming even more comfortable.
She just continue to drift, really enjoying
this wonderful feeling of complete relaxation.
And there may be times when you're not aware of your
body and you won't be aware of your body at all
as you continue to go deeper and deeper relaxed.
Deeper and deeper relaxed.
Allowing the suggestions I give from this point
to become your instant and complete reality.
You will just see what I say see, feel
what I say feel, believe what I say.
You will believe because you
got that strong, determined imagination.
And you can allow yourself just to drift away
because you don't have to do anything else.
Just simply pay attention to your
breathing as you release that breath.
You don't have to do anything at all.
Nowhere to go, nothing to do as you drift off
now, because all you need to do is allow certain
things to happen in response to these words.
As all of your muscles becoming softer, letting go.
Now, if you notice any sounds you hear, any
words that I say, anything and everything allows your
good feelings to increase, allows you to drift off,
feeling safe, insecure, free to wander and wonder.
Knowing the sound of my voice is going to drift
with you, wondering what will shift and change first now.
And you can easily use your powers of imagination,
your intelligence and inner focus to ensure you will
achieve all that you need to in this session
without even knowing how you did it.
Consciously wondering now how much further into trance,
how much more relaxed can you really become?
And you can notice words and noticing words.
And the deeper you go, the more wonderful you feel.
The more wonderful you feel, the
deeper you can go now, easily.
That's right.
As we continue, you can hear the sound of my voice,
and other times it may seem distant or quiet, and other
times it doesn't matter if you can hear it at all.
You can allow that deeper part of you to hear.
All you need to hear here, here and now, is you
know that you're the one who's in control as we make
all the changes that you want here and now.
In a moment, they're going to ask
you to see and imagine different things.
Doesn't matter if you can't see
everything I ask you to see.
Doesn't matter if you don't hear every word that
I ask or every word that I say.
You'll see and you'll hear everything you need to.
So at the moment, I want to imagine you're
standing at the top of a flight of stairs.
You can see ten steps down.
At the bottom of those stairs, you can see a doorway.
And in a moment, we're going to
walk down those stairs slowly and easily.
I'm going to count you down for each
step, allowing yourself to become more relaxed the
closer you get to that door.
So here we are.
We're going to take this first step
down from ten down to nine.
Now, easily, naturally, your body moving
gently, moving down to eight.
Breathing steadily and slowly, it's on the outbreath.
We move down to seven.
Feeling calmer, more relaxed.
On outbreaths, going down to six.
Easily, naturally, looking forward to moving
down, going deeper and deeper relaxed.
We step down to five now,
knowing you're safe and secure.
One tint to get to the bottom.
She moved to four, knowing that when you
get all the way down, you'll be as
relaxed as you could ever want to be.
At this morning time, she moved down to three.
Now, our breathing so slow,
so easily, nothing bothering us.
We drift down to two.
Looking forward to taking the final steps down.
If you take another step to one, the door
is so close now, one more step to go.
So we just breathe and relax.
And that tension drains away as
we float and drift off.
Take the last step down,
completely calm, completely relaxed.
Standing in front of the door.
Now, I really want you to see
and imagine every detail of this door.
See its colour.
Look at the handle.
Taking every detail.
You put your hand on that handle, turn it.
Knowing what lies behind is the most
relaxing bedroom you've ever been in.
We just open the door, we take a step into this room.
You can imagine this bedroom, this bed in the middle
of the room there, so inviting, looking so comfortable.
You begin to look around the room,
taking in all the details, the colours,
textures, smell, the warmth in the room.
You can maybe feel the warmth radiating comfortable.
That bed looking so inviting, allowing you just
to drift off, inviting you to lay there.
You find yourself moving easily
and actually towards it.
As you climb on and you lay your head down, you
just find this amazing feeling just washing over your body, your
whole body just relax, feeling so safe, so secure.
It's almost like you're floating.
Never have you felt such comfort.
All those aches, all those pains, just drifting away.
Now you find yourself just becoming so comfortable,
more comfortable than you could ever imagine.
Your head resting on that
pillow, your body feeling supported.
We can allow this bed to just comfort
us, to allow our breathing just to ease.
Everything slowing down, becoming more
and more easier, relaxed, comfortable.
Everything's as it should be.
And you really enjoy this comfortable feeling
that we're creating, this comfortable feeling that
you're having of your body, just resting
those aches draining away, those pains forgotten.
As you breathe gently and naturally you feel
the warmth from the blankets and the duvet.
Everything's as it should be.
So comfortable, warming your body, relaxing you, that
relaxation to just become part of you.
You can just drift off now, allowing this warmth to
comfort your body even more, feeling it's spread down through
your body, easing those aches, easing those pains.
Everything is supported, not feeling aches or pains
in your body now, just this warming sensation.
It's relaxing, feeling it's warmth spreading through
every joint, every part of you.
So comfortable, so easily.
We can allow ourselves just to drift off wherever is
we want to drift to, to dream about whatever it
is we want to dream as we're resting there in
this pleasant way, allowing our breathing just to ease, allowing
that warmth just to spread through us.
Knowing that you're in control of you now.
Starting to realise that you can control how you think
and feel just by allowing yourself to feel that comfort,
to slow your breathing down less and less.
Worried about the future now, problems
or dangers of the future.
You can enjoy yourself right now.
You can let yourself go as you enjoy yourself, as
all of those aches and pains just drift away.
Comforting to know that you can give yourself permission
to feel safe, to feel relaxed, to allow that
tension to drift off as you go deeper.
Now, just listening to the sound of my voice,
you can be aware of that comfortable, heavy feeling
of legs, of arms, your entire body that seems
just to float in this comfortable, relaxed state.
Knowing that these hypnotic sensations have allowed
you to travel from one place to
another in a calm and confident way.
And I wonder now if you can allow those
feelings to continue, those comfortable, relaxed sensations of mind
and body as you drift and my voice just
drift with you, allowing you to feel this warmth,
this pleasurable feeling just spreading throughout your body.
Knowing that you can just drift off and
rest for as long as you want to.
Knowing that your mind can be distracted away from you.
Those feelings you no longer want now, no
longer dwelling upon yourself, all those aches or
pains now because you're much less conscious of
yourself now, much less preoccupied with yourself now.
You're able to be that relaxed, comfortable you that
wants warming every part, relaxing every part of you.
You see things in a true
perspective, no longer amplifying your difficulties.
Focusing on these new pleasant sensations.
You allow yourself to drift off and rest for as
long as you want to, drifting off and sleeping for
as long as you want to, knowing that you'll wake
up feeling refreshed, feeling calm and in control just by
breathing and allowing this warmth, these comfortable feelings of you
just feeling safe, in control as you listen to the
sound of my voice.
Just imagine yourself now, waking tomorrow,
waking later on, feeling relaxed.
Knowing that warmth is come from inside of you.
Those comfortable warming sensations you've allowed to
spread through your body as yours.
Now, whenever you go to bed, as soon
as your head touches that pillow, you're going
to find that you're ready to sleep.
You're ready to drift off and feel comfortable to
allow that warming sensation to spread through your body.
Knowing you can just breathe easily and naturally.
Every time you're low, you're fine to do this.
Every time you listen to the sound of
my voice, you'll find that it becomes easier
and the better it'll make you feel.
Just by breathing, just by allowing yourself to drift
easy now, breathing, knowing that you'll be ready to
wake up whenever it is you want to.
Feeling refreshed, drifting, breathing so easily.
Take care.